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Las ovejas in Spain

This blog is for our friends and family to follow us on our Spanish adventure. We're kind of hoping that it will help convincing you to come and visit us, discover or rediscover this great city.
jacobcecile jacobcecile
Articles : 15
Depuis : 16/01/2016
Categorie : Tourisme, Lieux et Événements

Articles à découvrir

"Today, we're off to the mountain."

"Today, we're off to the mountain."

Hello! As we don't have much to do, still no address or anything apart from our own goodselves, we spend a great deal of our time exploring the area. Tomorrow will be the day when we find out if those people want us to live in their flat. Personally, I'm not sure I'd want us to live there (jobless with two noisy kids), could be a tricky one. So tod
Ups and downs

Ups and downs

Hi peeps! We’ve been very busy here. Where can I start? So much, yet so little has happened. Let’s start with the utter most important news. Last Monday I visited the inside of the Sagrada Familia and OMG (That’s for you Helen Ball, there’s a couple in there for you to find too) what a beauty. I was totally breath taken by what I saw, nearl
Sant Pau and Chinese New Year

Sant Pau and Chinese New Year

Hello! We are in the middle of a bank holiday weekend here, most places have been closed since Thursday night. And according to Natasha our estate agent, some will be closed on Monday too (or is it just our estate agent?) So we've been busy being out and about since Friday, for instance we visited Sant Pau Hospital, which was a surprising building.


(A short outlook on local Christmas traditions in Cataluña) First serious post in about nine months! Trying to aim for one post a month now...not giving up yet! Pleased? Annoyed? Can't be bothered? Share your thoughts in comments please, I would love to get some feedback. So I wanted to write about the Christmas traditions here as they are totally


Hello, Not a long post as not much to say. Been a stressful last few days visiting flats, trying to contact the estates agents. We have picked up a flat we like and we are now waiting to see if the landlords are ok with us living in it. We won't have an answer before Tuesday. We really like this place so it will be a big disappointment if we don't
Getting your Brits out

Getting your Brits out

Hey James here. Now, I've never been known for my swarthy mediterranean looks, but in the first few days here in Barcelona, I'm beginning to feel like I'm carrying a huge sign saying "INARTICULATE ANGLO-SAXON IDIOT" Before I can even open my mouth to flex my not so considerable linguistic muscles in a bizarre pidgin Spanish/Catalan hybrid to ask "C


"Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting" And this is how I'm going to start this message today. Hello. Or if I could sing to you I might have started with "I like to move it move it". Or maybe I've been watching too much kids telly? You got it, we still don't have a clue of when we're going to sig
Four reasons why you should move to Barcelona.

Four reasons why you should move to Barcelona.

Hello, bonjour, bon día, In this article, I'm hoping to convince you that you must move to Barcelona! I will talk to you about my four favourite things here and why you should move to Barcelona or Catalonia if you are thinking about doing it. A bit of background first. If you didn't know, my three boys (including dear hubby) and I moved to Barcelo

Quick hello!

Hi all and sorry for the interruption... We don't have the internet at the moment which explain this lack of information. It's like being back fifteen years. Anyway, we have now moved to our new place, in Horta, north of Barcelona. Here to be precise:,+18,+08031+Barcelona,+Spain/@41.4349334
January in cold Barna

January in cold Barna

Hola amigos! Brrrrrr. We are very cold here, it's lucky my fingers aren't frozen yet so that I can continue writing about our Spanish adventures. Hopefully this won't be too much of a boring post which would get you thinking: "Wow, I bloody wish she had frozen fingers" (Please make sure to hum Goldfinger theme tune whilst having this very nasty tho