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Catch up!! Le blog Anglais de Saint-Jo

L'anglais en 5e et en 3e au Collège St Joseph, de St Ambroix, dans le Gard: des idées, des résumés, des infos, des reportages... Pour les absences, les rattrapages ...
monsieurbrouat monsieurbrouat
Articles : 135
Depuis : 10/10/2012
Categorie : Emploi, Enseignement & Etudes

Articles à découvrir

West Side Story

West Side Story

Inspired by William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, the story is set in the mid-1950s in the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City, then a multiracial, blue-collar neighbourhood. The musical explores the rivalry between the Jets and the Sharks, two teenage street gangs of different ethnic backgrounds. Through the form of a musical, the
Chariots of Fire: 4 Oscars and a great success.

Chariots of Fire: 4 Oscars and a great success.

Chariots of Fire is a 1981 British film. It is based on the true story of two British athletes in the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris: Eric Liddell, a devout Scottish Christian who runs for the glory of God, and Harold Abraham, an English Jew who runs to overcome prejudice. The two athletes, after over a year of training and racing, are accepted to rep
Towers Falling: a powerful novel

Towers Falling: a powerful novel

As the twentieth anniversary of September 11th nears, Towers Falling explores the thought-provoking question of how kids born after 2001 can find meaning in events they have no personal memory of, but which still have a monumental impact on their families, educators, and communities.
Welcome back!

Welcome back!

Welcome back to school!! May 2023-24 be a success for you.
The Englishman who saved 669 children from the Holocaust in 1938

The Englishman who saved 669 children from the Holocaust in 1938

Sir Nicholas George Winton was a British banker and humanitarian who established an organisation to rescue children at risk from Nazi Germany. In 1938, Nicholas Winton was a young stockbroker in London. He was keenly aware of the events unfolding on the continent. In the early years of Hitler's rule, the Nazis attempted to make life so unpleasant f
We have a dream

We have a dream

Let's go to Alès and see "We have a dream" , at the CinéPLanet. 2024 is an Olympic Year.