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Prépa Sciences-Po-La Fontaine

Quelques éléments d'enseignement à l'attention des élèves des prépa Sciences-po Paris et province des lycées La Fontaine et Duruy.
emmanuelq2 emmanuelq2
Articles : 21
Depuis : 18/04/2011
Categorie : Emploi, Enseignement & Etudes


Une Russie personnelle, authentique et vivante.
emmanuelq2 emmanuelq2
Articles : 664
Depuis : 16/07/2010
Categorie : Tourisme, Lieux et Événements

La veille c'est déjà demain

La veille est un métier.
emmanuelq2 emmanuelq2
Articles : 324
Depuis : 27/07/2010
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle

Eléments glanés à droite, à gauche et ailleurs...
emmanuelq2 emmanuelq2
Articles : 16
Depuis : 26/10/2011
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

Purge de Poutine au sein des services de sécurité russes

Purge de Poutine au sein des services de sécurité russes

Accusés d’avoir transmis des informations aux services de renseignement américains, deux responsables du FSB ont été placés en détention. Etrange réunion que celle qui s’est déroulée au début du mois de décembre 2016 dans les locaux du FSB, les services russes de sécurité, héritiers du KGB. Sans crier gare, Sergueï Mikhaïlov, nu

Why Google Is Willing to Give Away Its Latest Machine-Learning Software

Google’s move to give away its latest machine-learning software, key to its speech- and photo-recognition programs, isn’t as crazy as it may appear. The unit of Alphabet Inc. said Monday it is releasing its TensorFlow system for free under an open-source license. That’s one of the company’s crown jewels, a machine-learning program that teac

Bitcoin’s Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Is Probably This Unknown Australian Genius

“I am Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of bitcoin.” Since that pseudonymous figure first released bitcoin’s code on January 9th, 2009, Nakamoto’s ingenious digital currency has grown from a nerd novelty to a kind of economic miracle. As it’s been adopted for everything from international money transfers to online narcotrafficking, the total
New Error Code is Born

New Error Code is Born

Sur le ouèbe, des erreurs apparaissent parfois sous forme de codes. La plus connue est l'Error 404 : Not Found, qui informe que la page recherchée est inexistante. Il en existe des dizaines d'autres, telles que la 400 : Bad Request ou encore la 500 : Internal Server Error. Pour signaler que l'accès à une page internet est interdit, les welbmest

Toil and Trouble: Labor Protests in Russia

Last week, coal miners in the town of Luchegorsk began a hunger strike. Taken by itself, the news isn’t all that notable: the town is both tiny and in the middle of nowhere (sorry, Luchegorsk…). But the strike is important in that it fits into a larger trend, and one potentially of concern to local authorities: Russia has seen a spike in labor-

Amazon Studios Launches Amazon Storywriter, Free Cloud Software For Screenwriters

In an effort to expand its original video content, including movies and TV series, Amazon announced this morning the launch of a free, cloud-based screenwriting software program called Amazon Storywriter. In addition, the company says it’s expanding to include drama submissions, and will no longer take a free option on scripts submitted to the Am

When Cupid Is a Prying Journalist

My interview with Justin McLeod was winding down when I tossed out one last question: “Have you ever been in love?” The baby-faced chief executive had designed Hinge, which was a new dating app. My question was an obvious throwaway. Justin looked stricken. No one, he said, had ever asked him that in an interview. “Yes,” he finally answered.