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Tags associés : chalonnes, musculation

Ses blogs

Le blog de Mrs. Perrault

Un blog pour mes élèves. A blog for my students.
fleette fleette
Articles : 480
Depuis : 22/08/2007
Categorie : Emploi, Enseignement & Etudes

Pacha Tierra

Un blog pour partager nos aventures...
fleette fleette
Articles : 322
Depuis : 02/05/2006
Categorie : Tourisme, Lieux et Événements

Calonna musculation

Blog de l'association Calonna musculation à Chalonnes, Maine-et-Loire.
fleette fleette
Articles : 38
Depuis : 15/11/2009
Categorie : Associations & ONG

Articles à découvrir

"half time locked down"

"half time locked down"

Hello dear students, A short message to give you some ideas to "keep in touch with English" when you're not in class. You will find below some links to help you practicing your English while at home. https://www.pbslearning

Going to college webquest! TST2S

You can use all the links and steps below for your university presentation. Step 1 - College Selection Information (Individual Assignment) The first step before you decide to enter college is to determine how prepared you are for college admission. Take the "Are You Ready for College, College Quiz ". Then, view the "Four S
What's on your bucket list?

What's on your bucket list?

Sky diving, bungee jumping and swimming with dolphins are some of the experiences often included on people's Bucket Lists – things to achieve before they die. A “bucket list” is a list of things you’d like to do before you die, that is before you “kick the bucket”. How about writing your own bucket list? Are there any places you’d lik
More audio documents to practice for the oral comprehension!

More audio documents to practice for the oral comprehension!

Here are a few other documents* you can use to practice for the oral comprehension part of your final exam. * These ressources are on the Académie de Strasbourg website. Mythes et héros Obama inauguration speech Do we need the Biritish monarchy? Royal wedding Espaces et échange Austin-Texas Britishness Espaces et -changes Lieux et formes du pouv

planning coaching

Adhérentes, adhérents L es horaires de présence de nos coachs sont légèrement modififées. Veuillez en tenir compte pour vos coaching! PLANNING COACHING La pratique de la musculation est encadrée par des personnes titulaire du brevet d'état. Benjamin, Florent et Olivier vous guident, vous conseillent et vous accompagnent → ils vous montren

Des liens vers des photos

Désolée de ne pas avoir donné de nouvelles. J'aurai sûrement plus de temps.... cet été! ;-) En attendant, je vous mets les liens Facebook vers nos dernières photos (c'est vraiment trop long de toutes les remettre ici). Annecy Du côté de Grenoble et de Genève Visite de Claudia et Flor, Angers Madrid1 et Madrid2 Retrouvailles avec Steph et
Life after high school... Tsi and Tst2s

Life after high school... Tsi and Tst2s

High school is a big part of (mostly) everyone's life. But, what's after high school? --> Answer this question in a few (enough) lines. The more personal, the better ;-) If you don't know what to write, you can take a look at what my students wrote in 2018... and comment on it! Deadline for this exercise : May 4th. Not a day after.