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Nathan's blog - Le Blog de Nathan

A piece of Nathan
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Articles : 321
Depuis : 26/11/2007
Categorie : Famille & Enfants

Articles à découvrir



I know it has been a while since myu last positing and while I plan to update the blog, here are some recent pictures of Nathan showing his different expressions (happy, sad) Ca fait un petit bout de temps depuis ma derniere entree, etm bien que je pense poster les photos de ces 2 derniers mois, voici des photos recentes de Nathan qui nous montre c
Mommy's helper - Nathan adore aider

Mommy's helper - Nathan adore aider

Lately, Nathan pretty much wants to help with everything I'm doing. As I was peeling some veggies, he took a sponge and the cleaning product and went on cleaning the table. Here he is, hard at work! Ces dernieres temps, Nathan veut m'aider avec plus ou moins tout ce que je fais. L'autre jour, pendant que j'epluchais des legumes, il a pris une epong
sprinklers - jets d'eau

sprinklers - jets d'eau

Photos taken back in May at the Austin Accueil picnic. Photos prises fin juin au picnic d'Austin Accueil.
Nathan and friends - Nathan et ses copains

Nathan and friends - Nathan et ses copains

Photos will be posted out of order for a while as I try to catch up. I love this pic of Nathan and Angelina, who we visited while we were in California back in March. Les photos vont etre un peu dans le desordre dans les semaines a venir vu que je vais essayer de rattraper les mois ou je n'ai pas mis a jour le blog. J'adore cette photo de Nathan et
spiderman - l'araignee

spiderman - l'araignee

Sometimes, it doesn't take much to get the kids happy, like a spiderman pyjamas. Parfois, il ne faut pas grand chose pour faire plaisir aux enfants, comme un pyjama 'l'araignee'.

Swim baby, swim - Nage Nathan, nage

He started swim classed 1 week ago. So far, so, good ! Nathan a commence des lecons de natations la semaine derniere. Pour le moment, ca se passe bien.
party at Tutor Time - la fete a Tutor Time

party at Tutor Time - la fete a Tutor Time

Nathan's daycare had an open house end of July. The kids had lots of fun,even Nysa who got to ride on one of the cars! La creche de Nathan a fait une petite fete fin juillet. LEs enfants se sont bien amuses, meme Nysa qui est monte sur une des voitures.

Finally an update! Enfin un nouveau message

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, we got licensed as a foster family here in Texas back in March and after a long week-end spent in California visiting friends, we took on a sibling set of 3 back in April 9th - they were 3 weeks, 15 months and 2.5 years at the time. It was an emergency placement, so, they arrived within a couple of hours of us