My relationship with pasta salad had a rough start. the first time a pasta salad crossed my path was at a student party, the pasta was way beyond all-dente and drenched in store bought mayonnaise, the few defrosted peas that were added to this mix couldn't save it. well, i drank a lot of beer that night. for a long time i didn't want to have anythi
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Cette semaine les américains ont fêté thanksgiving et vu la taille de leur dinde (plus de 20 kilo!) ils sont sûrement encore entrain de manger des sandwichs et des salades avec de la viande de dinde. le thanksgiving traditionnel c'est un grand repas, toute la famille et des invités réunies autour d'une table et si l'on en croit les séries am
Pour mon thanksgiving léger et oriental je vous propose en plat un filet de dinde à la harissa cuit en papillote sur salade de boulghour, herbes, butternut et grenade. dig in! comme dirait les américains. ingrédients pour 2 pers 2 filets de dinde 1 c à c de harissa 2 c à s de vin blanc jus et zeste d'un demi-citron 125 gr de boulghour 2 c à
Our july 2012 daring cooks’ host was sarah from all our fingers in the pie! sarah challenges us to learn a new cooking technique called “cooking en papillote” which is french and translates to “cooking in parchment”. i like this technique a lot but sometimes while being very healthy papillotes can turn out to be a little bit on the bland
Summer time is salad time! and this italian salad with zucchini, carrots and lots of fresh basil is one of my favourites. because of its ingredients i call it zucaba salad, if you come from great britain feel free to change the name to coucaba. whatever you call it, it is delicious and goes with everything. for other salad ideas check out the lets
This green couscous salad keeps its promises, you get different shades of green and as a bonus different textures, soft broad beans, crunchy green beans and bursting capers. every bite is a surprise. i got the idea from the new-zealand cook annabel langbein. the green couscous salad makes friends easily, you can serve it with lamb chops, grilled be
June was cold and rainy and i begged for summer, so now that i am sweating because of a heat wave, i cannot really complain. you can imagine how difficult that is. so i decided to make the best of it and to put my ice cream machine that was starting to collect some dust to good use and i made some pineapple rosemary sorbet. now i know it does sound
Une amie nous a invité à une soirée "noël international", l'idée étant que chacun amène un plat de l'avent traditionel de son pays. en tant qu'allemande j'avais l'embarras du choix, il existe des centaines de recettes de petits gâteaux sucrés, sans parler du glühwein, le fameux vin chaud. finalement j'ai décidé de faire des "lebkuchen"
Tous les chocolats du calendrier de l'avent ont disparu et le jour du réveillon est enfin arrivé. si tous ces petits chocolats vous ont mis en appétit et que vous ne voulez pas vous passer de chocolat ce soir, je vous propose des truffes au chocolat blanc et pamplemousse. c'est une recette de la pâtissière géniale kate zuckerman. le pamplemou
When i go to a restaurant i always ponder for hours over the menu, trying to make my mind up. on our honeymoon we went to rome and once we ate in a perfect restaurant, the food was great but most of all the waiter only asked us one question: red or white wine? then the dishes just kept on coming, heaven! speaking of italy, i was trying to decide wh