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pussman & co

I am passionate about bearmaking, but recently discovered embroidery. j'adore la broderie :)
roothooft roothooft
Articles : 47
Depuis : 07/07/2014
Categorie : Maison, Déco & Bricolage

Articles à découvrir

My new friend I loved to make.

My new friend I loved to make.

I am always attracted by odd and funny critters, and they are so fun to make. I plan to make a bunch of these. And also with embroidered eyes without cotter pins and other stuff, so they are suitable for small children. Here is the first one
New iPad sleeve

New iPad sleeve

I have been asked to teach some embroidery at a shop in Antwerp, so that might have sparkled my enthusiasm, to design a new project, a little again. I have neglected my blog for such a long time now, I think Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram have replaced it. But I am reluctant to give up my blog, so I will give it a go once more. I am working on a
linen. flowers

linen. flowers

this linen thread is so lovely to work with, I am just trying it out