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Tags associés : genetic code, number theory

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Publications de Jean-Yves BOULAY

Blog présentant diverses publications scientifiques notamment en théorie des nombres et sur le code génétique.
jyboulay jyboulay
Articles : 12
Depuis : 31/03/2020
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

Numbering of the twenty proteinogenic amino acids

Numbering of the twenty proteinogenic amino acids

Numbering of the twenty proteinogenic amino acids 3/2 ratios inside the genetic code Abstract By proposing a numbering of the twenty proteinogenic amino acids deduced from the physicochemical properties of the four coding DNA nucleobases, it is established that this amino acid number, equal to 5x entities, is not arbitrary. Indeed, we demonstrate t
Chevron Form Quantum Charts

Chevron Form Quantum Charts

Chevron Form Quantum Charts New graphical representation of quantum orbitals Jean-Yves Boulay Abstract. It is proposed here to represent the quantum distribution of atomic orbitals in an unprecedented table where the quantum shells and subshells are drawn in the form of chevrons whose vertices are occupied by orbitals with the magnetic quantum numb

Listing of Jean-Yves Boulay's publications

Jean-Yves Boulay Listing of some pre-print papers about genetic code, number theory, quantum physics and connections between all these research fields: Amino acid numbering, ultimate numbers and the 3/2 ratio October 2022 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17690.93128 An unprecedented numbering of the twenty proteinogenic amino acids, itself deduced from a logic
The Chevron Form Quantum Chart

The Chevron Form Quantum Chart

New quantum chart : The chevron form quantum chart The quantum study of the genetic code is an opportunity to propose a new type of table describing the quantum organization of atoms. In this chart, illustrated below, the different quantum shells and subshells are presented in the form of chevrons. At the top end of each rafter are indicated the na
La piste des nombres ultimes

La piste des nombres ultimes

Règle du jeu La piste des nombres ultimes© Description : La piste des nombres ultimes© se joue de 2 à 4 joueurs sur un plateau numéroté de 0 à 99. Matériel : 1 plateau numéroté de 0 à 99, 4 pions et 2 dés (numérotés de 1 à 6). But du jeu : Le but du jeu est d’atteindre le premier la case 99. Déroulement : Chaque joueur positionne
La petite piste des nombres ultimes

La petite piste des nombres ultimes

Règle du jeu La petite piste des nombres ultimes© Ceci est la version courte du jeu La piste des nombres ultimes© Description : La petite piste des nombres ultimes© se joue de 2 à 4 joueurs sur un plateau numéroté de 0 à 50. Matériel : 1 plateau numéroté de 0 à 50, 4 pions et 2 dés (numérotés de 1 à 6). But du jeu : Le but du jeu es
The universal 3/2 ratio

The universal 3/2 ratio

The universal 3/2 ratio Jean-Yves Boulay The 3/2 ratio appears in three studies from different fields. This universal operates in the initial organization of integers, in the order of the first appearance of the 10 digits in many mathematical constants and in the quantum structure of the 5 constituent elements of proteinogenic amino acids. Here is
Genetic code, quantum physics and the 3/2 ratio

Genetic code, quantum physics and the 3/2 ratio

Genetic code, quantum physics and the 3/2 ratio Quantum analysis of the atoms constituting the genetic code Jean-Yves Boulay Abstract. The analysis of the quantum structure of the five chemical elements composing the coded twenty amino acids and the four coding nucleotides of DNA working in the organization of the genetic code reveals an opposition
Jean-Yves Boulay's publications referencing list

Jean-Yves Boulay's publications referencing list

Jean-Yves Boulay's publications referencing list The ultimate numbers and the 3/2 ratio Jean-Yves Boulay. The ultimate numbers and the 3/2 ratio. 2020. ⟨hal-02508414v2⟩ Abstract : According to a new mathematical definition, whole numbers are divided into two sets, one of which is the merger of the

Amino acid numbering, ultimate numbers and the 3/2 ratio

Amino acid numbering, ultimate numbers and the 3/2 ratio Connections between genetic code and number theory Jean-Yves Boulay Abstract. An unprecedented numbering of the twenty proteinogenic amino acids, itself deduced from a logical numbering of the sixty-four DNA triplets, reveals connections between the mechanism of the genetic code, of the field