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Cochesaurus Playground

Dessins, peintures, infographies, animation et pensées
coche coche
Articles : 39
Depuis : 27/11/2007
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design


Mudjungle CMS / LMS: Carte routière de conception et de développement
coche coche
Articles : 13
Depuis : 19/02/2008
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

Henry the Tiger

Henry the Tiger

Hi! I'm sorry because, I've not been able to write that often here in my blog, besides I'm not that creative to write new things and tutorials that often, but that is another story :) Let me tell you a little bit, of how I've been doing in the last months...Finally I ended one big project that was assigned to me in my job, and so far I learned a lo

We used to... (start again)

Hi :)sorry I've been disappeared from a while, but this weekend is my first month working for a new company, an airline in my country. I have to say that changing jobs is one of the most difficult things to do, saying good bye to your job mates and friends, the people nearby that sells food, the neighbors near the company's location, etc. Somebody

How to add Full Text Search to my Web Application

It's a natural and popular way to search for information and it's easy to use: enter keywords and get what you need. Let's see some features: Available only for MyISAM tables. Natural language search and boolean search. Creating a Full Text Index CREATE TABLE articles ( articleid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(200),
Highlight Zone

Highlight Zone

Hi, how are you? I hope you are fine, and if you've been visiting my blog looking for some nice and easy tutorial and don't found any new tutorials, I'm sorry because I've not written in a while. I promise I will try to write more often :) OK lets start... It would be nice if you and me had an personal aircraft, don't you think so? just like famous
Mudjungle Course Organization

Mudjungle Course Organization

We were working for a few days in the Mudjungle course organization. We've taken ideas from Juliux courses and adapted some for our own needs. We think the following organization fulfill the project needs ( FIGURE 1 ). FIGURE 1 Mudjungle project organization. Feel free to comment on this, because we are not sure at all.
Mudjungle Database

Mudjungle Database

DB SCHEMA (Updated: June 15, 2008) Here it's the Mudjungle Database Schema: ( FIGURE 1 ) FIGURE 1 The Mudjungle Db schema. There is some thoughts about this design, let me explain a few ones: After try and use some excellent PHP Projects like Gallery and Wordpress, I noticed that their name convention for the tables is adding a prefix like g2_ for
YUI Rich Editor Upload Extension (updated)

YUI Rich Editor Upload Extension (updated)

May 13, 2008 - Update: I added a fully functional example. In that way you can use the example files instead of copying text from the previous links (Like Peter Briers said in a comment, copy and paste results in not readable scripts). I hope it could be useful. When I started this blog I said that I wasn't sure about what I'm going to write, and o
XHTML Skeleton

XHTML Skeleton

After spending some time trying to figure it out the right xhtml structure for the project we came with the following (FIGURE 1). FIGURE 1 XHTML Skeleton. We think that this skeleton solves our needs and offers enough semantic meaning in the id's of the div containers. It was achieved using the Yahoo User Interface (YUI) CSS library (so you know no
Software used in the Project

Software used in the Project

I post this a little time ago in another Web page, but just to have everything in one place. I think that maybe some people out there are thinking in develop the next Web 2.0 Application but they just don't know what software to use or to learn, well maybe this could be a list of some of the nicest programs out there that if you master those progra